• Работы для любых современных компьютеров (PC, Mac, Linux, Amiga c ускорителем) и консолей старше 5-го поколения (включительно).
  • Максимальный размер файла - не ограничен
  • Максимальное время показа - 10 минут.
  • Works for any modern computers (PC, Mac, Linux, Amiga with accelerator) and consoles older than 5th generation (inclusive).
  • Maximum file size - unlimited
  • Maximum display time - 10 minutes.
1024 bytes, JavaScript
Author's note:
WOW - 1Kb js intro
No Demo ~ No Life
Comments 2
vts:29 sum:243 avg:8.38 iqm:8.67

Author's note:
My first demo with Tooll3. Big thanks to all the community: pixtur, TMH, NEWEMKA, SENSE
Comments 2
vts:33 sum:276 avg:8.36 iqm:8.94

Author's note:
Professional tools like Unity, Unreal Engine and Farjanmaker are killing the demoscene.
Comments 1
vts:32 sum:238 avg:7.44 iqm:7.81