За отведенное время нарисовать картинку на заданную тему в атрибутном режиме компьютера ZX Spectrum (32х24 точек, 53 цвета). Online-редактор: 53c.retroscene.org. Тема конкурса - "Ослепительное в рукаве"
In the allotted time, draw a picture on a given topic in the attribute mode of the ZX Spectrum computer (32x24 dots, 53 colors). Online Editor: 53c.retroscene.org. The theme of the compo is "Dazzling in the sleeve"
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:38 sum:316 avg:8.32 iqm:8.65

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
Comments 1
vts:40 sum:305 avg:7.63 iqm:7.95

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:40 sum:302 avg:7.55 iqm:6.80

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:40 sum:299 avg:7.48 iqm:7.75

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:40 sum:297 avg:7.43 iqm:7.70

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:39 sum:288 avg:7.38 iqm:7.63

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:39 sum:267 avg:6.85 iqm:6.95

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:39 sum:265 avg:6.79 iqm:6.95

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:40 sum:267 avg:6.68 iqm:6.90

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:40 sum:259 avg:6.48 iqm:6.70

ZX Spectrum
  • 256х192px, 15 colors
  • Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
vts:40 sum:259 avg:6.48 iqm:6.65

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:39 sum:252 avg:6.46 iqm:6.53

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:39 sum:251 avg:6.44 iqm:6.84

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:40 sum:249 avg:6.23 iqm:6.20

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:39 sum:234 avg:6.00 iqm:6.05

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:38 sum:226 avg:5.95 iqm:5.95

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:40 sum:217 avg:5.43 iqm:5.40

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
Comments 1
vts:41 sum:179 avg:4.37 iqm:4.33