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Графика для исторических 8-ми и 16-битных платформ, таких как ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Atari XL/XE, MSX, БК0010/0011 и другие подобные платформы.

  • Разрешены любые програмные улучшения графики: Multicolor, GigaScreen, MacroScreen, BorderEffects...

This compo accepts graphics for such 8-bit or 16-bit platforms as ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Atari XL/XE, MSX, IBM PC CGA/EGA, БК0010/0011 etc.

  • Software gfx expansion, such as Multicolor, GigaScreen, MacroScreen, Border are allowed

1JustLookUp by Error

  • 256x192px, 15 colors
  • Attributes 8x1, 2 colors per attribute
vts:65 sum:557 avg:8.57 iqm:9.24

2rainy day by Dimidrol

ZX Spectrum
  • 256х192px, 15 colors
  • Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
vts:65 sum:536 avg:8.25 iqm:8.67

3Sabbath by Error

Commodore C64
C64 Multicolor
  • 320×200px (2 unique colors in each 8×8 pixel block)
  • 160×200px (3 unique colors + 1 common color in each 4×8 block)
  • 16 colors
Sleep is a little death
vts:66 sum:535 avg:8.11 iqm:8.47

4The Fall by raynoa, diver

ZX Spectrum
  • 256х192px, 15 colors
  • Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
“But I miss you most of all
My darling
When autumn leaves
Start to fall…”
(c) Way Out West
vts:64 sum:519 avg:8.11 iqm:8.47

5Mandalorian by Katoyama

Amstrad CPC
  • 160×200px, 16 colors ("Mode 0")
  • 320×200px, 4 colors ("Mode 1")
  • 640×200px, 2 colors ("Mode 2")
  • 27 colors palette
Mando - CPC game loading screen
vts:67 sum:538 avg:8.03 iqm:8.45

6Remains of former greatness by UriS

ZX Spectrum
  • 256х192px, 15 colors
  • Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
vts:65 sum:509 avg:7.83 iqm:7.97

7war by Art-top

ZX Spectrum
  • 256х192px, 15 colors
  • Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
vts:69 sum:526 avg:7.62 iqm:7.77

8Finish Him by TmK ^ deMarche

ZX Spectrum 128
gigascreen 8x8
  • CPU Z80 3.5MHz, 128Kb RAM.
  • Screen 256х192, 15 colors, attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Sound chip AY-3-8912 / YM2149
be careful with Baltika-9
vts:64 sum:452 avg:7.06 iqm:7.19

9Alice by Katoyama

  • 256x192px, 15 colors
  • Attributes 8x1, 2 colors per attribute
Alice Bosconovitch from Tekken series
vts:67 sum:470 avg:7.01 iqm:7.03

10Gandalf The Grey by Katoyama

Commodore C64
Pepto Palette
  • 320×200px (2 unique colors in each 8×8 pixel block)
  • 160×200px (3 unique colors + 1 common color in each 4×8 block)
  • 16 colors
В нашем мире порой не хватает частички светлой магии...
vts:66 sum:455 avg:6.89 iqm:7.00

11urban heights by Grongy

ZX Spectrum
  • 256х192px, 15 colors
  • Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
vts:65 sum:418 avg:6.43 iqm:6.48

12Fighters by Katoyama

БК 0010
256x256, 4 colors
  • Screen 256х256, 4 colors
My second try for BK and its limited palette, for possible future demo project called - Fighters Impact...
vts:63 sum:398 avg:6.32 iqm:6.26

13Анаит Каначян by shuran33

ZX Spectrum
  • 256х192px, 15 colors
  • Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
vts:64 sum:394 avg:6.16 iqm:6.31

14Torii 鳥居 - The Gates between the Worlds by Katoyama

ZX Spectrum
  • 256х192px, 15 colors
  • Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
Dedicated to the famous gates of Itsukushima shrine
vts:69 sum:404 avg:5.86 iqm:5.69

Графика для исторических 8-ми и 16-битных платформ, таких как ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Atari XL/XE, MSX, БК0010/0011 и другие подобные платформы.

  • Разрешены любые програмные улучшения графики: Multicolor, GigaScreen, MacroScreen, BorderEffects...

This compo accepts graphics for such 8-bit or 16-bit platforms as ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Atari XL/XE, MSX, IBM PC CGA/EGA, БК0010/0011 etc.

  • Software gfx expansion, such as Multicolor, GigaScreen, MacroScreen, Border are allowed
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