Телеграм-канал @zxgfx совместно с демопати DiHalt проводит пятое тематическое компо графики для ZX Spectrum.
Тема: Подводный мир
The Telegram channel @zxgfx together with the DiHalt demoparty is holding the fifth thematic compo graphics for the ZX Spectrum.
Theme: Underwater world
Голосование пройдёт на events.retroscene.org в течение 30 июля до 21
Показ работ и оглашение результатов - на летнем слёте DiHalt, 30 июля в 22 часа.
The Telegram channel @zxgfx together with the DiHalt demoparty is holding the fifth thematic compo graphics for
the ZX Spectrum.
Basic conditions:
All pictures for the contest must be made with a standard set of ASCII characters and pseudographics of the
standard ZX Spectrum, without changes.
The main condition: 1 familiarity = 1 character, the use of overlapping characters is prohibited.
Classic ZX Spectrum palette.
The picture should depict the underwater world, or the plot should be directly related to it.
Voting will take place at events.retroscene.org during July 30th until
Demonstration of works and announcement of results - at the DiHalt summer camping July 30 at
Телеграм-канал @zxgfx совместно с демопати DiHalt проводит пятое тематическое компо графики для ZX Spectrum.
Тема: Подводный мир
The Telegram channel @zxgfx together with the DiHalt demoparty is holding the fifth thematic compo graphics for the ZX Spectrum.
Theme: Underwater world
Голосование пройдёт на events.retroscene.org в течение 30 июля до 21
Показ работ и оглашение результатов - на летнем слёте DiHalt, 30 июля в 22 часа.
The Telegram channel @zxgfx together with the DiHalt demoparty is holding the fifth thematic compo graphics for
the ZX Spectrum.
Basic conditions:
All pictures for the contest must be made with a standard set of ASCII characters and pseudographics of the
standard ZX Spectrum, without changes.
The main condition: 1 familiarity = 1 character, the use of overlapping characters is prohibited.
Classic ZX Spectrum palette.
The picture should depict the underwater world, or the plot should be directly related to it.
Voting will take place at events.retroscene.org during July 30th until
Demonstration of works and announcement of results - at the DiHalt summer camping July 30 at