53c (Realtime)

Artfield 2015 / 53c (Realtime)

english • русский
en • ru
Конкурс проводился в день фестиваля. Необходимо было нарисовать картинку в атрибутном формате компьютера ZX-Spectrum. Тема конкурса – свободная.

1Vote now! by moroz1999

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:13 sum:13 avg:1.00

2No day without ART by nodeus

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:12 sum:12 avg:1.00

3I'm old, not obsolete by Ape Ape

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:11 sum:11 avg:1.00

4живность by Buddy

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:10 sum:10 avg:1.00

5Volga and Rock & Roll by mr_r0ckers

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:9 sum:9 avg:1.00

653 SHADES OF GREY (hi, breeze) by psndcj//tbk

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:7 sum:7 avg:1.00

7кляксы by scalesmann

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:6 sum:6 avg:1.00

8обостракция by scalesmann

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:4 sum:4 avg:1.00

8failed O_x by wbc \\ b-state

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:4 sum:4 avg:1.00

9Viva Cataluna by qqxa

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:2 sum:2 avg:1.00

9old manifesto by scalesmann

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:2 sum:2 avg:1.00
Конкурс проводился в день фестиваля. Необходимо было нарисовать картинку в атрибутном формате компьютера ZX-Spectrum. Тема конкурса – свободная.
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