8bit intro 256b

Multimatograf 2017 / 8bit intro 256b

english • русский
en • ru
Интро для любых 8-битных платформ, включая современные  и "расширенные" клоны, такие как ATM 1/2/3, Profi, Timex, ZX Evolution, TS Conf. This compo accepts intros for every 8-bit platform, including the "expanded" ones: ATM 1/2/3, Profi, Timex, ZX Evolution, TSConf etc..

2MAKE_it_LOUDER! by bfox

ZX Spectrum + AY
trd, scl, tap
  • CPU Z80 3.5MHz, 48Kb RAM
  • Screen 256х192, 15 colors, attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Sound chip AY-3-8912 / YM2149
vts:38 sum:349 avg:9.18

3SnakeRun by g0blinish

ZX Spectrum
  • CPU Z80 3.5MHz, 48Kb RAM
  • Screen 256х192, 15 colors, attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • 1-bit sound generated by CPU
vts:33 sum:258 avg:7.82

4Impetus Roll by tiboh/debris

ZX Spectrum
  • CPU Z80 3.5MHz, 48Kb RAM
  • Screen 256х192, 15 colors, attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • 1-bit sound generated by CPU
vts:32 sum:230 avg:7.19

5Le cube sphérique dans un vide by shuran33 & bfox

ZX Spectrum
trd, scl, tap
  • CPU Z80 3.5MHz, 48Kb RAM
  • Screen 256х192, 15 colors, attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • 1-bit sound generated by CPU
vts:33 sum:231 avg:7.00

6sidor by ovich

ZX Spectrum
  • CPU Z80 3.5MHz, 48Kb RAM
  • Screen 256х192, 15 colors, attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • 1-bit sound generated by CPU
vts:33 sum:224 avg:6.79

10ATTR Music by Bay 6

ZX Spectrum
  • CPU Z80 3.5MHz, 48Kb RAM
  • Screen 256х192, 15 colors, attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • 1-bit sound generated by CPU
vts:32 sum:201 avg:6.28

11void by lovebeam

ZX Spectrum
  • CPU Z80 3.5MHz, 48Kb RAM
  • Screen 256х192, 15 colors, attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • 1-bit sound generated by CPU
vts:32 sum:181 avg:5.66

12Meteobytes: Treasures from Space by Tutty/Paradise

ZX Spectrum 128
  • CPU Z80 3.5MHz, 128Kb RAM.
  • Screen 256х192, 15 colors, attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Sound chip AY-3-8912 / YM2149
vts:33 sum:169 avg:5.12

13ptnless by Tutty/Paradise

ZX Spectrum 128
  • CPU Z80 3.5MHz, 128Kb RAM.
  • Screen 256х192, 15 colors, attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Sound chip AY-3-8912 / YM2149
vts:33 sum:146 avg:4.42

14Pure Basic Intro 256b by Misha Pertsovsky

ZX Spectrum
  • CPU Z80 3.5MHz, 48Kb RAM
  • Screen 256х192, 15 colors, attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • 1-bit sound generated by CPU
vts:33 sum:144 avg:4.36
Интро для любых 8-битных платформ, включая современные  и "расширенные" клоны, такие как ATM 1/2/3, Profi, Timex, ZX Evolution, TS Conf. This compo accepts intros for every 8-bit platform, including the "expanded" ones: ATM 1/2/3, Profi, Timex, ZX Evolution, TSConf etc..
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