If you have any questions, you can contact the organizers via this e-mail:
It's possible to show the prods using the following hardware:
If your prod's platform differs from the ones listed above, you need to contact us so we could find the way to show the prod.
Voting will be available for the visitors of both the partyplace and the events.retroscene.org website. The winners are decided according to their score's average.
This compo accepts music for such sound chips as AY/YM, Pokey, SID, as well as one-bit digital modules for ZX Spectrum's beeper. If your prod's platform is not in the hardware list, contact us.
This compo accepts tracker music in the following formats: mod, xm, it, s3m, mt2, SunVox.
This compo accepts music in any format - streaming, multichannel, chiptune, midi, but each song should be no longer than 30 seconds.
This compo accepts graphics for such 8-bit platforms as ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Atari XL/XE, MSX1 etc. If your prod's platform is not in the hardware list, contact us.
Software gfx expansion, such as Multicolor, GigaScreen, MacroScreen, Border are allowed.
In order to confirm the picture's authorship, you should also submit no less than three WIP versions of it.
In order to confirm the picture's authorship, you should also submit no less than three WIP versions of it.
This compo accepts graphics done with ASCII/ANSI technology.
This compo accepts demos that don't fit into any other nomination, as well as an animated or any other kind of short-length film.
If the prod is done as a video, it should match the MM festival's spirit (which is to be judged by the demoparty's organizers).
This compo accepts intros for every 8-bit platform, including the "expanded" ones: ATM 1/2/3, Profi, Timex, ZX Evolution, TSConf etc..
This compo accepts demos for any classic 8-bit platforms: ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Atart XL/XE, Amstrad CPC, MSX1/MSX2, BK0010/0011, IBM PC/XT etc. If your prod's platform is not in the hardware list, contact us.
Realtime compos take place during the demoparty. You can take place in any compo remotely.
All realtime compos have these additional rules, such as the amount of to complete the prod, the prod's theme, technical limitations of the prod. These rules will be stated before the compos begin.
The object of this compo is to create a demo with a certain theme. Any kind of post-production of its' video footage is allowed. You can also use videos without coding.
Необходимо за отведенное время написать кавер на предоставленный трек. Формат трека: любая олдскульная 8-битная платформа (см. компо 8Bit Music).
Необходимо за отведенное время нарисовать картинку на основе черно-белого скетча в формате ZX Spectrum (6144). Финальное изображение может оставаться черно-белым, но может быть расскрашено. Кроме стандартного спектрумовского режима (6912) допустимо применение таких техник, как Multicolor и Gigascreen.
In this compo, you need to draw a ZX Spectrum attribute screen (32x24 pixels, 53 colors) with a certain theme, in a limited amount of time.
To draw the picture, you could either use the online editor or any other graphics editor which could handle this format.