Realtime ZX 53c Graphics

DiHalt 2018 Lite / Realtime ZX 53c Graphics

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Тема конкурса связана с восточным календарём: «Собака - улыбака» Время на выполнение 2 часа.

1happy new year by Tais

ZX Spectrum
  • 256х192px, 15 colors
  • Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
vts:36 sum:260 avg:7.22

2скромник by Rainman ^ deMarche

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:37 sum:263 avg:7.11

3Old buddy by Krysolir

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:38 sum:268 avg:7.05

4WinterDogSmileSayHello by AntiBender

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:37 sum:261 avg:7.05

5Собака - улыбака by Creonix

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:37 sum:244 avg:6.59

6забакен by moroz1999

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:38 sum:249 avg:6.55

6Smile, blue puppy! by BlastOff

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:38 sum:249 avg:6.55

7Друг by Creonix

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:37 sum:214 avg:5.78

8Wau-Wau Factor by KaeL ^ Mayhem

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:36 sum:198 avg:5.50

9Зубака-кусака by Flast

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:36 sum:171 avg:4.75

10smile dog by mike ^ zeroteam

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:36 sum:168 avg:4.67

11сквозь слезы by blackbear ^ Outsiders

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:36 sum:164 avg:4.56

12gaff-haff-Halt by Sherhan

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:35 sum:158 avg:4.51
Тема конкурса связана с восточным календарём: «Собака - улыбака» Время на выполнение 2 часа.
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