Необходимо за отведенное время нарисовать картинку на заданную тему в атрибутном режиме компьютера ZX Spectrum (32х24 точек, 53 цвета)
Тема конкурса: Тягости и радости культурного отдыха народов крайнего севера
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:38 pts:165 avg:4.34

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:39 pts:156 avg:4.00

ZX Spectrum
  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:38 pts:127 avg:3.34

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:36 pts:118 avg:3.28

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:37 pts:121 avg:3.27

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:38 pts:121 avg:3.18

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:37 pts:112 avg:3.03

  • Platform limitations: 256х192px, 15 colors. Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute
  • Format limitations: used only attributes area 32x24 with 53 unique halftone
vts:37 pts:112 avg:3.03

ZX Spectrum
  • 256х192px, 15 colors
  • Attributes 8x8, 2 colors per attribute